Shooting ranges

"End of fire" - who cleans up?

We advise municipalities

Almost every municipality in Switzerland has a shooting range that needs to be renovated in the coming years. The framework conditions that apply depend on the location.

Although the regulations of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) for dealing with old shooting ranges are clear, the enforcement requirements and regulations vary considerably from canton to canton. We advise municipalities comprehensively on the technical and legal procedures for the renovation of shooting ranges. We also issue invitations to tender, carry out the construction planning and supervise the renovation work. We also support you in applying for financial contributions in the compensation procedure.

Our services

Our environmental professionals can assist you with the following services:

From investigation to remediation and recultivation

With a detailed investigation of the load situation, the probable remediation costs can be estimated early and meaningfully.



Melanie Tschopp-Vögtli

Head of Department Contaminated Sites and Geology

Lars Schudel

Senior Project Manager Contaminated Sites, Deputy Head of Environment & Planning

Our references