Nature and landscape

Think about nature conservation when planning

Ecological upgrading

Nature in Switzerland is being used more and more intensively. Lively construction activity outside of building zones, leisure activities and the expansion of settlement areas are constantly increasing the pressure. The protection, ecological enhancement and networking of habitats are therefore becoming increasingly important.

Anyone who develops a project with foresight and incorporates the necessary technical expertise at an early stage can mitigate conflicts of use by taking appropriate measures.

Our environmental specialists carry out ecological surveys. They also evaluate habitats and connectivity paths and draw up habitat balances.

The survey and control of neophytes and their control is also part of our service. Neophytes and combating them is also part of our range of services.

Our services

Our environmental professionals can assist you with the following services:

For the sake of the environment

We support you in planning and implementing your project in a way that is compatible with nature and the environment.


Sandra Laubis

Head of Environment & Planning

Daniel Sabathy

Senior Project Manager Environment & Planning

Our references