N01 Rynetel wildlife overpass

Soil science / ecological construction supervision

The project

For the construction of the Rynetel wildlife overpass in the municipalities of Suhr and Gränichen, forest areas were temporarily cleared on both sides of the N01 national road and installation areas were created. In addition, existing forest paths were rerouted to keep people away from the portal areas of the wildlife overpass in future. New and different types of ground areas were recultivated on the newly created cover of the national road and ecological structures and alternating wetland biotopes were created. In total, around 3,500 m2 of additional ground surface was created, 2,500 m2 of temporarily used forest ground was were restored, 500 m of existing forest paths were dismantled and recultivated and 320 m of new forest paths were created. Ecosens AG's soil science construction supervision was responsible for soil protection in all phases from project planning to commissioning. A largely balanced soil balance was achieved across the entire project by recycling local forest soil (road clearance) and forest soil removed from a nearby highway construction site (Lenzburg Süd junction).

Info about the project

Project manager

Daniel Sabathy

Senior Project Manager Environment & Planning

Lars Schudel

Senior Project Manager Contaminated Sites, Deputy Head of Environment & Planning