KVA Hagenholz, 3rd incineration line 2K5

The construction of the third incineration line at the Hagenholz waste incineration plant was approved by the Zurich electorate in September 2023 with a 90.8% vote in favor. The expansion of the Hagenholz waste incineration plant is intended to ensure waste disposal security in the canton and city of Zurich and create important conditions for achieving the city's net-zero 2040 climate targets.

The third line will increase the waste incineration capacity from the current 230,000 t/a to 345,000 t/a.

This additional capacity, together with an increase in the plant's efficiency, will make it possible to increase the district heating capacity from 65 MW today to 145 MW in the future. This will make it possible to supply around 90,000 households with electricity and CO2-neutral heat, saving around 70 million liters of oil per year and avoiding 200,000 tons of CO2 annually.

Ecosens AG has been supporting the project as an environmental specialist in the general planning team since the beginning. We drew up the environmental impact report (EIR), supported the client in the building permit process and are now accompanying the construction work in the role of environmental construction supervision (EBS).

With regular checks on the construction site and constant communication with project management, site management and the contractors, we ensure the implementation of environmentally relevant requirements and compliance with legal regulations. These include, for example, noise regulations for construction work or the obligation to use particle filters for diesel-powered construction machinery and transport vehicles.