Rynetel wildlife transfer

Wildlife corridors are part of the ecological infrastructure. The AG6 wildlife corridor in the Rohr-Rupperswil forest area is one of the most important in Switzerland. The wildlife overpasses aim to create a trouble-free network of paths for wild animals across cantonal borders.
Ecosens AG processes PFAS contaminated sites

Investigation and remediation of suspected sites with the emerging pollutant group PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds). The substances in the PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds) group are chemically, biologically and thermally very stable due to their structure.
The lead on the mountain goes into the money - Shooting range Hittenberg

Municipality of Wald - The municipality of Wald has had to rehabilitate four bullet traps. Now the contaminated sites have also been dredged at the Hittenberg facility, which has been shut down for some time. A particular challenge was the demanding topography.
Comprehensive pollutant investigations on a company site in Näfels

In Näfels, north of the railroad station, there is the more than 3 hectare large company site of Fritz Landolt Immobilien AG with a history of over 200 years of use in the textile industry. With regard to the future development of the site, Ecosens AG was able to support the owner with various investigations.
CO2 capture and storage (CCS)

As part of its long-term Climate Strategy 2050, Switzerland is focusing on negative emissions technologies (NET) that remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it permanently (carbon capture and storage, CCS), in addition to reducing emissions as much as possible.
The contaminated site program of the Canton of Zurich and cost allocations

Recently, the Office for Waste, Water, Energy and Air (AWEL) presented its interim report on the contaminated site program of the Canton of Zurich. The report contains many interesting facts about the enforcement of the law on contaminated sites in the Swiss canton that has the highest number of entries in the cadastre of contaminated sites (5,740).