Dimensioning geothermal probe field

We are delighted to have completed an exciting project in the field of near-surface geothermal energy.
Ecosens AG was able to carry out the geological investigations, including the dimensioning of the geothermal probe field, the subsoil investigation and the investigation of building pollutants for the site development on Thurgauerstrasse/Leutschenbachstrasse in Zurich.
Spray asbestos removal in Dielsdorf

For a large commercial building in Dielsdorf, Ecosens AG carried out a pollutant analysis of the building fabric prior to the planned conversion. This revealed intact spray asbestos applications on the upper floor, as well as already renovated surfaces with sealed spray asbestos residues.
When Switzerland's milk was poisoned with insecticides - The long-term consequences of the intensive use of wood preservatives in the 1960s

In the 1960s, many stables and barns in Switzerland were treated with wood preservatives. It soon became apparent that these could end up in the milk via the cows' feed. As a result, some farms had to dispose of their entire milk production. But even today you can still find buildings with contaminated wood. This field report shows the challenges that experts have to tackle with such properties.
Dimensioning geothermal probe field

The construction of the third incineration line at the Hagenholz waste incineration plant was approved by the Zurich electorate in September 2023 with a 90.8% vote in favor. The expansion of the Hagenholz waste incineration plant is intended to ensure waste disposal security in the canton and city of Zurich and create important conditions for achieving the city's net-zero 2040 climate targets.
New 7th edition of the "Zurich Planning and Building Law"

Our Environmental and Climate Law department was able to collaborate with other renowned authors on the revision of the book "Zürcher Planungs- und Baurecht" (Zurich Planning and Building Law), revising the topics of noise, air, construction waste and contaminated sites.
"Top Law Firm" Switzerland 2024 - We are one of them!

Grindelstrasse 5 has been Ecosens' home base for 30 years. Spread over three floors, our employees are on the move for you. As we are constantly growing and space was becoming increasingly scarce, we decided to relocate.
We have moved

Grindelstrasse 5 has been Ecosens' home base for 30 years. Spread over three floors, our employees are on the move for you. As we are constantly growing and space was becoming increasingly scarce, we decided to relocate.
New Head of Environmental Planning

Ecosens is pleased to announce that Sandra Laubis took over as Head of Environmental Planning on April 1.
Dismantling of former Erzenberg foundry, Liestal

The site of the former Erzenberg foundry in Liestal is being redeveloped. The old existing foundry buildings will have to make way for a residential development. Ecosens AG has been supporting and advising the client on building pollutants and contaminated sites since 2016.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) under Swiss law

With the adoption of the new Climate and Innovation Act (CISA) on June 18, 2023, Switzerland's climate targets were enshrined in law. Now it is time to target these with the implementation of concrete measures.