New Head of Environmental Planning
Ecosens is pleased to announce that Sandra Laubis has taken over as Head of Environmental Planning on April 1. Our esteemed Daniel Sabathy has decided to reduce his workload in order to devote more time to his passion, photography. However, he will continue to be available to you with his experience as Senior Project Manager.
Sandra Laubis has already had the opportunity to get to know the team and our projects over the past few months. Thanks to her previous professional experience, she is very familiar with the challenges and opportunities of the Environmental Planning department. Her aim is to build on our strengths in the areas of authority engineering and material cycles and at the same time to strengthen the supporting competencies in the environmental sector.
Sandra Laubis is convinced that we can create real added value for you, our customers, with comprehensive environmental planning and make an important contribution to protecting our environment and climate. She is looking forward to embarking on this exciting journey together with you and the environmental planning team.