Environmental impact report for Solfeld "Nordfeld"

Expansion of salt mining at Riburg salt works

The project

The concession of Schweizer Salinen AG for salt mining in the canton of Aargau expires in 2025. As part of the concession extension for the next 50 years, the mining area is to be defined in the structure plan and a cantonal utilization plan is to be drawn up for the various brine fields. For the first brine field "Nordfeld" in the Möhlinerfeld, a utilization plan has been developed and an environmental impact report (EIR) has been prepared. Over a period of about 20 years, around 6 million tons of salt are to be extracted by drilling about 65 wells. A transport pipeline will carry brine and fresh water between the Riburg salt works in Rheinfelden and the Solfeld site in Wallbach and Zeiningen. The project thus comprises decentralized construction and operating work over a period of around 20 years as well as a unique line construction site with a length of around 10 km. Especially during the construction phases, numerous environmental aspects of the project are highly relevant, such as groundwater, soil, noise and light emissions, construction waste, forest and water protection. In the EIA, measures were defined with which the project can be realized in an environmentally compatible manner.

Info about the project

Project manager

Daniel Sabathy

Senior Project Manager Environment & Planning

Lars Schudel

Senior Project Manager Contaminated Sites, Deputy Head of Environment & Planning