Environmental impact assessment (EIA)

Build in harmony with economy and ecology

Obtain approval with the environmental impact report (EIR)

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) provides an overview of the foreseeable effects a planned construction project will have on the environment.

We prepare environmental impact reports (EIRs) as the basis for the EIA. In doing so, we will take all relevant environmental aspects into account. Our services include the planning and implementation of surveys and investigations for environmental impact reports or independent studies (soil, contaminated sites, waste disposal, water, flora and fauna, noise, etc.)

We help our customers to make their projects more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Careful project planning defines the necessary measures for the construction and operational phases. This approach makes the building permit process efficient and often prevents objections to a construction project.

Our services

Our services for private and public clients:

EIA - instrument of environmental precaution

Planning and conducting surveys and investigations for environmental impact reports or independent studies (in all relevant areas - soil, contaminated sites, waste disposal, water, flora and fauna, noise, etc.)


Daniel Sabathy

Senior Project Manager Environment & Planning

Lars Schudel

Senior Project Manager Contaminated Sites, Deputy Head of Environment & Planning

Our references